2020 - Sweet Pleasures in Difficult Times

As I prepared to sit down and write this blog post, reflecting on 2020, I made myself a cup of coffee, bean to cup – Espresso beans, strong, pure java, just the way I like it; and I dished up a bowl of sweet trifle that my daughter had made for Christmas Day.  While sipping my coffee and enjoying the sweetness of the trifle, it occurred to me, that the coffee was like my inner strength and the trifle, like the simple sweet pleasures, blessings and joys that have carried me through this difficult year.

The photo above of the Geranium, I took on the 26th of June 2020.  I remember sitting outside on my verandah, overwhelmed by the difficulties, pressure and challenges that my husband and I were facing, and yet in awe of the beauty that surrounded me.

Many a time, during this incredibly difficult year, I remembered with fondness, a simple hymn that my dad loved to sing   “Count your blessings, name them one by one.”

So here goes.. my blessings for 2020…

  • God’s unending grace
  • My husband who loves me through good times, and difficult times, sickness and health
  • My family – my beautiful children, my granddaughter, my brothers and sister, my Ma and Dad-in law and my extended family
  • The opportunity to celebrate my daughter’s wedding in February, and welcoming our new son to the family
  • Lifelong friendships
  • The kindness of strangers
  • Good health
  • New opportunities and new beginnings
  • My second granddaughter on the way in April 2021

The Geranium was blooming in the middle of Winter, the sunset that afternoon, was nothing short of spectacular.  We were going through a very difficult and dark time. My husband had not been able to earn an income for 4 months, my salary was not even enough to cover our basic expenses and we could no keep up with our rent.  Yet, by the compassion and kindness of ordinary people, let’s call them angels, we were able to stay in our home.

This, is but one of the blessings we have received this year. Every day has only been possible by appreciating the simple, sweet blessings and stepping out in faith.

For many, all is not alright in the world.  Covid is no longer a stat or a number, but a friend or loved who has fallen ill, or died.

Many people have lost their jobs, and the year ahead holds uncertainty and more challenges.

Yet, we have life, we have the simple blessings, and we have the opportunity and the ability to be kind and to extend those blessings to others.  We can all be like the Geranium that blooms in the middle of Winter, the hope and strength that a friend or colleague or family needs.

As the sun sets on 2020, for a moment, let us take our eyes off the trials and troubles of 2020 and look ahead with hope to the New Year.

Much love ❤️




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